
#PROTAGCNISTS      independent, highly selective, multimuse roleplaying blog featuring both canon and original characters.
   written by  JESS  (she/her, 25+)   


criminal minds. canon character.
faceclaim: monica barbaro

gif by summersgifs


basic information.

  FULL NAME    emily elizabeth prentiss  NICKNAME(S)    em, prentiss, princess (morgan only), lauren reynolds  AGE RANGE    early to mid 30s  DATE OF BIRTH    october 12  GENDER & PRONOUNS    cis-female, she/her/hers  ORIENTATION    bisexual / biromantic  RACE/ETHNICITY    mixed (white, mexican) / italian, german, english  NATIONALITY    american  ACCENT   american

physical appearance.

  FACE CLAIM    monica barbaro  HEIGHT    5'7  BUILD    fit, toned  HAIR    brunette  EYES    brown  SCARS    forehead (right side), lower abdomen, left shoulder  PIERCINGS    double ear piercing, cartillage  TATTOOS    two,  STYLE    business casual mostly because of work, otherwise relaxed fit, but can pull out a look

background info.

- fbi supervisory special agent with the behavioral analysis unit (bau) (main verse)
- chief of the london interpol office (interpol verse)
- unit chief, fbi bau (unit chief verse)
- jtf-12 member (undercover criminal verse)
  HOMETOWN    moved around (dc, middle east, rome, france)  CURRENT RESIDENCE    washington d.c., usa (main verse); london, england, uk (interpol verse)  LANGUAGES    english, spanish, arabic, french, italian, russian (minimal), romanian (basic)  FINANCIAL STATUS    wealthy


  WEATHER    a crisp night  COLOR    deep red (like a cab), maybe black  MUSIC    something classic, classic rock  MOVIES    foreign films w/ reid, anything really but she WILL talk through it  SPORTS    she’ll watch or go, but again, she WILL talk through it  BEVERAGE    the basics, tequila, coffee, the green fairy  FOOD    chinese food


  LABEL    the spitfire  ASTROLOGY    libra sun, scorpio moon, gemini rising  MBTI    esfj  ENNEAGRAM    type eight  ALIGNMENT    chaotic good  POSITIVE TRAITS   
- adaptable
- resilient
- articulate
- selfless
- loyal
- enigmatic
- observant
- noncommittal
- private
- sensual
- disobedient
- paranoid
- tense
- impulsive
- untrusting
  FEARS    others paying for her mistake, her mother living within 100 miles of her  HABITS    picking at fingernails  TEMPERAMENT    calculated, impatient sometimes


- anxiety
- n/a
  SOCIABILITY    she’s good in social situations, flirty, but she doesn’t get out as much as she should  ADDICTIONS    none.  SUBSTANCE USE    n/a (main verse), various (young verse)


- richard prentiss (father)
- ambassador elizabeth prentiss (mother)
- none.
- n/a
- none.
  PETS    sergio (black cat)


early life.

trigger warnings: abandonment, abortion, mentions of alcohol and drug use, religion- you don’t get to choose your family. no one knew this better than emily elizabeth prentiss. born into the prentiss family one october evening, emily was the child of elizabeth and richard prentiss. elizabeth was a very proud and ambitious woman. in many ways, emily’s mother had a regalness to her. untouchable and always just out of reach. her father, richard prentiss, could not have been more opposite.- richard and elizabeth had met at their parents arrangement. both came from families with status and wealth. it seemed like a natural arrangement in everyone’s eyes—everyone except richard. the arrangement was nothing less than strategy, and richard was hesitant to the idea. he wasn’t sure he was ready to give up on love, the opportunity to spend a real life with someone. elizabeth could see the doubt in his eyes from the moment they met. it was up to her to convince him.- and that she did. she told richard of the partnership they would have. they would support each other as they spent their lives together. they could please their families and themselves. although he was still hesitant, elizabeth’s words made him feel more secure in the whole idea. he even thought he was beginning to like her. an arranged marriage might not be the worst thing to happen to him.- it didn’t take long for him to regret his decision. a few years after they wed, elizabeth was absolutely entrenched in her career. her ambition and drive overshadowed just about everything else in their lives. richard’s frustration grew as their lives began to feel less livable. he made his discontent known to elizabeth, though she found herself confused by his dissatisfaction. they had everything — money, privilege, power, influence. her status was rising, and his would follow. this is what they were supposed to do. what was preventing him from seeing all of that? richard reached a breaking point one evening after an event. he went to elizabeth, telling her he wanted out of their arrangement. she told him she was pregnant. and so, he stayed.- when emily was born, they were both engaged at first. they both believed that perhaps their daughter would be enough to salvage their marriage. but even that faded as more of her birthdays came and went. richard had been drinking more and more, finding himself locked away in his study for hours every night. when he wasn’t there, he was out, often with little explanation. young emily would always try to get close to her parents, but there was always something that stood in the way, whether it be work or resentment.- eventually, what elizabeth had always feared came to light. richard had been having an affair with a younger woman. he was in love with her, and he was leaving elizabeth. he had given her the best years of his life and she had destroyed each one. emily was there the day he left, suitcase in hand as the rain came down. she tried to follow him, to hold on to him, but he detached himself from her, got in his car, and left.

young to early adulthood.

- after that, elizabeth continued throwing herself into her career. emily lacked stability with their constant moves. they would travel from place to place with elizabeth’s postings. having risen to the position of ambassador, her work became more important to her than ever. emily continued to grow up in the cold world of politics. she had access to the best schools and tutors. she was smart beyond her years, quick to learn new languages or read literature above her grade level. there were parts of it she didn’t hate. she liked having knowledge. it made her feel powerful. but she was also facing intense loneliness.- emily was fifteen when they moved to italy. she had spent much of her life trying so hard to make friends, only to have them ripped away from her with another move. something about italy felt different, though. she met matthew benton, a boy around her age. he was sweet and gentle. it didn’t take long for emily to care for him. it didn’t feel romantic, nor did she feel any pressure when she was around him. she could be herself, something she hadn’t felt for a long time. matthew was the one who introduced her to john cooley. john and matthew were two friends that couldn’t have been more different. where matthew was shy, john was outgoing. where matthew was sweet, john was...not so much. emily didn’t like john at first, feeling that he was arrogant and pushy. but after hanging out with both him and matthew a few times, she warmed up to him a bit.- one night, the three went to a party thrown at the house of some rich kid’s parents. emily often used matthew as a shield at these parties, not wanting to be left alone for long. there was nothing worse than being left alone with some drunk, entitled, rich kid who had never learned the meaning of the word ‘no.’ this particular evening, though, matthew had to leave early. emily felt less secure with matthew gone, but john didn’t let her worry for long. he offered to hang out with her, and the two spent the rest of the night drinking and sharing stories. john was an ass most of the time, but he still managed to make emily laugh. she wasn’t sure if it was that or the alcohol that made her not pull away when he kissed her. she didn’t know what she wanted in those moments, but she didn’t stop him.- some time passed after emily and john had slept together, and they didn’t talk about it much. john admitted that he liked emily, but wasn’t looking for “anything serious at the moment.” emily wasn’t naive enough to think that john would do anything different. she was prepared for it, even though it stung a bit. what hurt worse, though, was what came after. when emily discovered she was pregnant, she ran to matthew’s place in the pouring rain. she didn’t know what to do. she was shaking and crying. emily was insistent that her mother could never know. the mere thought made her want to vomit. matthew didn’t know how to help her. he suggested that she talk with their priest, thinking he could provide guidance, but he only provided more judgment and shame.- matthew was furious, and he did everything he could to find a doctor that would give emily an abortion.he drove her, stayed with her, and held her hand through it all. and then he held her hand in church that sunday, walking her to the front pew with her head held high. no one had ever been there for emily like matthew had. he made her feel like she was worthy—worthy of love and friendship. it broke her heart to think that she had been the beginning of matthew’s downward spiral. matthew began taking drugs and questioning his faith. his parents blamed emily, telling the ambassador to keep her away from their son.- emily and her mother moved again, elizabeth not sparing emily any of her ridicule and critique. she didn’t know the full story, but emily couldn’t tell her. she knew, deep down, that she wouldn’t find someone like matthew again. that made her feel the crushing weight of loneliness more than ever. for the remainder of her teen years, emily rebelled at every turn. she went to a lot of parties, drank alcohol, experimented with drugs. she became the wild child that the bentons had accused her of being. elizabeth was constantly letting emily know of her disappointment. but emily didn’t care. although elizabeth loved emily in her own way, emily knew that she would never really feel that love. so she stopped trying to earn it.

and all the rest.

- emily attended chesapeake bay university, then yale, working as a waitress to pretend she was providing for herself. people thought of her as a paradox. in the classroom, she was capable, always excelling. outside of it, she was nothing short of a mess. she had her fill of crappy relationships, most existing in a cycle of on-again-off-again. none of the people she ended up with were very good for her. she partied like the other girls with trust funds did, although she knew she wasn’t like them. she could never be satisfied by all of it the way they could. she needed more. needed purpose.- emily bounced around government jobs trying to find the right fit. she hated the way people would say “oh, you’re ambassador prentiss’s daughter.” as if they had finally figured out how she got through the front door. she wanted to make it on her own merits. she would never allow her mother to open a door for her. not a single one.- she proved to be an impressive asset, and she started to gain the attention of higher ups. eventually, emily was recruited for an undercover operation targeting an arms dealer known as “valhalla.” and thus began the relationship between lauren reynolds and ian doyle.- lines were crossed. emily knew that. she got close to ian in more ways than one, and she didn’t anticipate how hard it would be to disentangle herself from him. when the mission was over, returning to real life was a challenge. she had done everything she could to protect declan doyle from his father, but there remained a bitter taste in her mouth. she wanted something more black and white. something where she knew the bad guys from the good guys. her profiling experience made her look into the bau.- on paper, they wouldn’t know of her undercover work, but emily preferred it that way. they would come to learn that she was an asset, just like other had before them. she was sure she could get them to warm up to her. she just didn’t count on how much she would warm up to them. the bau was her first time being a part of a family, and once she had it, it was hard to imagine ever being without it again.


  CANON VERSE    MAIN VERSE. set around season 4-5. emily is an ssa at the fbi in quantic, virginia. emily has been with the team for a few years now, but she isn’t prepared for her past to potentially come to light.  SHE'S STILL ALIVE? VERSE    ALTERNATIVE VERSE. takes place during season 7 of criminal minds after emily returns to the bau (following faking her death).  UNIT CHIEF VERSE    ALTERNATIVE VERSE. takes place after emily’s return in season 12. emily has just moved back to dc (following a break up in london). she has taken over as unit chief after the departure of aaron hotchner, and she is nervous to having to follow in his footsteps  INTERPOL VERSE    ALTERNATIVE VERSE. takes place after emily’s departure in season 7. she is the chief of the london interpol office.  YOUNG VERSE    ALTERNATIVE VERSE. takes place during emily’s college years (primarily during the summer) when her mother is stationed in france and emily is staying at their estate.  UNDERCOVER CRIMINAL VERSE    ALTERNATIVE VERSE. takes place when emily is undercover as lauren reynolds and a member of the jtf-12.  PARIS VERSE    ALTERNATIVE VERSE. takes place after emily’s death was staged. she is hiding in paris under a different identity. having to cope with losing all of her friends.



  TBD CONNECTION    — @blogurl
Heavily Affiliated , Relationship



gif credit @summersgifs

gabby dawson

chicago fire. canon character.
faceclaim: monica raymund

gif by osvaldrps


basic information.

  FULL NAME    gabriela raisa dawson  NICKNAME(S)    gabby, gab, dawson  AGE RANGE    early to mid 30s  DATE OF BIRTH    march 30  GENDER & PRONOUNS    cis-female, she/her/hers  ORIENTATION    bisexual / biromantic  RACE/ETHNICITY    dominican, mixed  NATIONALITY    american  ACCENT   poliish-american

physical appearance.

  FACE CLAIM    monica raymund  HEIGHT    5'5  BUILD    fit, strong  HAIR    brunette  EYES    dark brown  SCARS    under chin/jawline, forearm, thumb  PIERCINGS    double ear piercing, cartilage  TATTOOS    one  STYLE    depends on the occasion, usually something nice/cute but comfortable

background info.

  OCCUPATION    paramedic on ambulance 61 (main verse), firefighter on truck (firefighter verse)  HOMETOWN    chicago, illinois, usa  CURRENT RESIDENCE    chicago, illinois, usa(main verse)  LANGUAGES    english, spanish  FINANCIAL STATUS    middle class


  WEATHER    warmth, sun  COLOR    blue  MUSIC    something with a beat!  MOVIES    action/adventure, or a romcom but where no characters feel pathetic  SPORTS    will watch football and soccer, but mostly women's soccer because they're better  BEVERAGE    tequlia, good margs  FOOD    traditional dominican


  LABEL    chronic hero syndrome  ASTROLOGY    aries sun, moon, rising  MBTI    esfp  ENNEAGRAM    type six  ALIGNMENT    chaotic good  POSITIVE TRAITS   
- confident
- honest
- dauntless
- adaptive
- passionate
- assertive
- genuine
- versatile
- abrasive
- defensive
- stubborn
- impatient
  FEARS    losing those she loves  HABITS    interrupting  TEMPERAMENT    impatient, abrasive


- n'a
- n/a
  SOCIABILITY    very friendly, unless you are on her bad side  ADDICTIONS    besides her work, n/a  SUBSTANCE USE    alcohol


- ramon dawson (father)
- camila dawson (mother)
- antonio dawson (older brother)
- matt casey (ex-husband) some verses
- n/a
  PETS    n/a


early life.

- gabriela grew up just outside of chicago as a part of a big family. her immediate family consisted of her father ramon, her mother camila, and her older brother antonio. however, there always seemed to be relatives around throughout their childhoods. gabby loved the feeling of being apart of a large family, and she has inadvertently looked for that throughout her life.- gabby was always a caring person, but it was her passion that really made her shine. whatever she did, she threw herself into it, often head first. gabby was far from perfect. but when someone told her she couldn't do something? well, that just made her want to prove them wrong. anyone telling her she couldn’t made her want to do it even more.

and all the rest.

- but above all, gabby lived to help people. before she even realized what she wanted to do, there were hints that she wanted to save people. even as a kid, gabby would use her toys to act out scenes and scenarios where she could come in to save the day. there was a certain rush, being the hero, but there was even more of an overwhelming feeling having saved someone. even if it only was her mr. potato head.- gabby was smart, but she didn’t feel like school was the best fit for her. she would rather get to work instead of sitting in a classroom. after considering a coupe potential options for her future, gabby decided on becoming a paramedic. it combined everything she was looking for--the fast-paced environment, the ability to help people, and her very own community of people to lean on and learn from.


  CANON VERSE    MAIN VERSE. set around season 5&6, inside the canon universe of chicago fire. gabby has gone back to being a paramedic and has broken things off with matt after they lost louie.  PARAMEDIC VERSE    ALTERNATIVE VERSE. set around season 1/2 where gabby is a paramedic on ambulance 61.  FIREFIGHTER VERSE    ALTERNATIVE VERSE. set during gabby's time as an active firefighter on truck.  PUERTO RICO VERSE    ALTERNATIVE VERSE. set post gabby's departure from canon. gabby has been working in puerto rico to provide aid/medical relief.



  TBD CONNECTION    — @blogurl
Heavily Affiliated , Relationship


  TBD    i

gif credit @sacreddonkey


fandomless. original character.
faceclaim: sophie cookson

gif by osvaldrps


basic information.

  FULL NAME    ivy simone ellis  NICKNAME(S)    ive  AGE RANGE    late 20s.  DATE OF BIRTH    october 27  GENDER & PRONOUNS    cis-female, she/her/hers  ORIENTATION    bisexual, biromantic  RACE/ETHNICITY    white / english  NATIONALITY    english  ACCENT   english (sussex)

physical appearance.

  FACE CLAIM    sophie cookson  HEIGHT    5'4  BUILD    average, fit  HAIR    brunette  EYES    brown  SCARS    forehead, back of neck, left forearm, right knee  PIERCINGS    double ear piercing, navel piercing, has had her nose pierced  TATTOOS    multiple  STYLE    a little edgy, retro is always nice, kind of looks like she doesn't care but also like she pulls it off?

background info.

  OCCUPATION    musician. sometimes barttender.  HOMETOWN    sussex, england  CURRENT RESIDENCE    new york, new york, usa (main verse)  LANGUAGES    english, french  FINANCIAL STATUS    lower-middle class


  WEATHER    let it fucking pour!!!  COLOR    sage  MUSIC    almost everything, not super synth pop or country. loves something that goes hard  MOVIES    not much of a movie girl, but watches cult classics like showgirls that everyone should know  SPORTS    she might watch if they can make an event out of it, detests american football  BEVERAGE    g&t, more g, lesst  FOOD    indian


  LABEL    the rockstar  ASTROLOGY    scorpio sun, cancer moon, virgo rising  MBTI    inyj  ENNEAGRAM    type seven  ALIGNMENT    chaotic neutral  POSITIVE TRAITS   
- charismatic
- whimsical
- daring
- clever
- sensual
- flexible
- creative
- vain
- harsh
- manipulative
- jealous
- obsessive
  FEARS    mediocrity  HABITS    oversharing  TEMPERAMENT    cool until they'


- past history with depression
- n/a
  SOCIABILITY    very charming, flirty, can mak new friends in a single night and then never speak to them again  ADDICTIONS    eh, depends on who you ask  SUBSTANCE USE    alcohol, recreational drugs, hard drugs


- cliff ellis (father)
- mae lynn (mother)
- isabelle ellis (younger sister)
- none.
- none.
  PETS    fish


more to come.

- the gist: ivy is a musician (some would say struggling, but those people can shut up)!
- ivy isn't set on getting famous. a record deal would be killer, sure. but she's set on playing music until her fucking heart gives out. when asked how she wanted to die, that was literally it.
- she's chaotic and fun and really charming. she's judgmental, but if you get in with her, you have a good time. ivy doesn't like to go too deep into the mushy, feelings, bullshit. she keeps it light. most of her relationships are casual, and she tosses them if they get too clingy or develop too many feelings.
- but, sometimes, it's ivy that becomes the obsessive one. if she hones in on someone, really connects with them, she can have trouble letting them go.
- not an angel, not a devil. a mixed bag.





  TBD CONNECTION    — @blogurl
Heavily Affiliated , Relationship


  CLOSE FRIENDS    those ride or die (ivy would never say this), i'll help you bury the body types. can't be just anyone. has to really connect.  FWB    an actual friend, just one she hooks up with from time to time if they're bored or need to blow off some steam.  CLINGY FLING    one of her hook-ups that got too clingy. probably had to cut them loose.  OBSESSED    a casual thing until ivy became attached to this person. developed a bit of an obsession.  MUSIC CONNECTS    bandmates, club owners, bar owners, managers, groupies

gif credit @doloresgifs


fandomless. original character.
faceclaim: rebecca ferguson

gif by osvaldrps



basic information.

  FULL NAME    tess olson  NICKNAME(S)     AGE RANGE    late 30s  DATE OF BIRTH    november 3  GENDER & PRONOUNS    cis-female, she/her/hers  ORIENTATION    bisexual, biromantic  RACE/ETHNICITY    white / swedish, english, irish  NATIONALITY    british  ACCENT   british / slight swedish

physical appearance.

  FACE CLAIM    rebecca ferguson  HEIGHT    5'5  BUILD    slim  HAIR    blonde/brunette  EYES    blue  SCARS   
- edge of left palm (knife wielding adversary);
- right shoulder on her back (jagged, after being made while under cover, literally stabbed in the back),
- right hip (circular, gunshot wound)
- various little nicks
  PIERCINGS    multiple ear piercings  TATTOOS    roman numerals on her abdomen  STYLE    it depends on who she's being...herself, she's pretty casual and comfortable if she can be

background info.

  OCCUPATION    intelligence officer (spy type, often undercover, freelance)  HOMETOWN    stockholm, sweden  CURRENT RESIDENCE    misc  LANGUAGES    swedish, english, french, russian  FINANCIAL STATUS    grew up low to mid, now just surviving, squirreling away money just in case


  WEATHER    nighttime, cool but clear skies  COLOR    green  MUSIC    loud  MOVIES    she doesn't often sit down for a movie, she likes films with a strange edge (she'd love yorgos lanthimos); sometimes watches action/spy movies to laugh at the absurdity  SPORTS     BEVERAGE    strong coffee, g&t  FOOD    mediterranean


  LABEL    the chameleon  ASTROLOGY    scorpio sun, capricorn moon, and virgo rising  MBTI    intj  ENNEAGRAM    type five  ALIGNMENT    chaotic neutral  POSITIVE TRAITS   
- cunning
- adaptable
- passionate
- charming
- alluring
- calculated
- elusive
- enigmatic
- observant
- independent
- reclusive
- untrusting
- insubordinate
- impulsive
  FEARS    loss of identity, sense of self  HABITS    lip biting  TEMPERAMENT    calculated, sometimes chato




- mikael olson (father)
- birgit olson (mother) - deceased
- n/a
- annika thomson (wife, technically but not)
  OTHERS     PETS   


an actual bio to come. for now, chaotic bullet points to give you the gist.

early life.

- grew up low to middle class in sweden, moved to england as a young child

young and early adulthood.

- recruited out of school to a program that funelled her into british intelligence

and all the rest.

- tess proved herself well in british intelligence, but it was there they discovered her affinity to follow her own instincts as opposed to direct orders
- by nature, tess is distrustful of authoritative structures. she has seen first hand how they can manipulate people and systems to achieve power.
- while in british intelligence, tess's mother was diagnosed with early-onset dementia. tess knew she should be around to spend time witih her mother, while she could, but in reality, she found herself taking on more cases. spending more time undercover. at a certain point, it felt like tess blinked, and her mother no longer recognized her face.
- on an organized crime case, tess was made while undercover with an organization. she made it out alive, but unbeknownst to her, the criminals were targeting her family. specifically, her parents. luckily, british intelligence got to them in time and relocated them to a safe location (much to her father's chagrin)
- it took a couple of weeks, but they eventually caught those targeting her parents. but the move had put an immense amount of stress on her ailing mother. the change of location and day-to-day confused her immensely. her health had already been declining. it wasn't long after that that tess's mother went into the hospital and never came out.
- tess's father wouldn't say it outright, but he alluded to it. the blame. blaming tess for the stress that he believed caused the rapid decline.
- after that, tess left british intelligence. didn't trust them anymore. began using her skills to go freelance. taking cases around the world, living on the edge of life and death.
- while infiltrating a corporation, tess became romantically involved with a woman who worked there. it was completely out of bounds in her profession, but tess broke the rules for her. kept their entanglement under wraps. toward the end of her mission, when tess started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, annika proposed they get married. spontaneous and completely impractical, but a real proposal none the less. and for some reason, tess did it. of course, she wasn't tess, so the legality of the marriage wasn't real necessary. but there were feelings that were.
- when the corporation came tumbling down, tess had to come clean. annika was betrayed, obviously. livid. and tess decided to disappear. she had become very good at it, and she hasn't seen annika since slinking away in the middle of the night.





  TBD CONNECTION    — @blogurl
Heavily Affiliated , Relationship


  "EX"-WIFE    who says you can't get married while undercover? there's a skeleton character in her bio right now, but this can really be anyone. open to any gender, ultimately.  UNDERCOVER CASUALTIES    similar to the above, this isn't the first time (or last) tess has made connections with people, only for her to disappear or for them to discover she isn't who she says she is

gif credit @karolinasnovotney


succession. canon character.
faceclaim: juliana canfield

gif by osvaldrps


basic information.

  FULL NAME    jessica marie jordan  NICKNAME(S)    jess  AGE RANGE    late 20s, early 30s  DATE OF BIRTH    may 31  GENDER & PRONOUNS    cis-female, she/her/hers  ORIENTATION    bisexual, biromantic  RACE/ETHNICITY    mixed / black, white  NATIONALITY    american  ACCENT   west coast american

physical appearance.

  FACE CLAIM    juliana canfield  HEIGHT    5'5  BUILD    slim  HAIR    brown  EYES    brown  SCARS    abdomen from having her appendix out as a kid  PIERCINGS    ear piercing  TATTOOS    n/a  STYLE    she is much more casual in her everyday life than she is able to be at work

background info.

  OCCUPATION    executive assistant to kendall roy (main verse)  HOMETOWN    milwaukee, wisconsin, usa  CURRENT RESIDENCE    new york, new york, usa (main verse)  LANGUAGES    english, french  FINANCIAL STATUS    middle-class


  WEATHER    spring, everything in bloom.  COLOR    warm tones  MUSIC    soothing, indie pop  MOVIES    comedies with a lil heart  SPORTS    raised on american football  BEVERAGE    seltzer water, vodka tonic  FOOD    chinese, ramen


  LABEL    the taciturn  ASTROLOGY    libra sun, pisces moon, aquarius rising  MBTI    isfj  ENNEAGRAM    type nine  ALIGNMENT    lawful good  POSITIVE TRAITS   
- capable
- efficient
- empathetic
- tolerant
- self-conscious
- neutral
- reserved
- noncompetitive
- indecisive
- submissive
- anxious
- cowardly
  FEARS    completely giving up her morals in the name of success  HABITS    rubbing temples, picking skin  TEMPERAMENT    calm, docile


- anxiety
- n/a
  SOCIABILITY    is more comfortable in groups of people she knows/is friendly with, but can open up under the right circumstances  ADDICTIONS    n/a  SUBSTANCE USE    alcohol, socially. doesn't really do any drugs except for weed occassionally.


- michael jordan (not that one) (father)
- leah jordan (mother)
- arianna jordan (younger sister)
- n/a
- n/a
  PETS    cat named oscar that she ended up taking in out of obligation after her neighbors learned their kids were allergic


early life.

- michael jordan (not that one) and leah jordan grew up on the same block in chicago, illinois. the two were never in the same social circles at school, but they would occasionally cross paths on the walk home or on the weekends. they parted ways after graduation, leah heading off to college and michael joining his uncle's construction company. but, one fated thanksgiving break, they bumped into each other and ended up spending the entire evening talking.
- the two were married young and began their lives together. leah made her living as a school teacher while michael worked to become a contractor. eventually, leah fell pregnant with their first child, and neither of them had pictured raising a family in a busy city. so, they moved to milwaukee where they welcomed their baby girl jessica jordan
- jess had a pretty average upbringing. both of her parents worked, and when she was five, they welcomed her little sister arianna to the family.
- growing up wasn't perfect. being a family of mixed race in wisconsin wasn't without it's challenges. jess felt ostracized as a kid, whether it be for her skin color or her hair. but, she had a loving family around her to ease some of the discomfort.

young and early adulthood.

- jess was a smart kid. she did well in school, always completed her assignments on time, and was generally well liked. the definition of a pleasure to have in class. she didn't struggle too much academically, but she also didn't feel particularly drawn to anything specific. there was no talent or interest that presented itself, which made her feel utterly average most of the time.
- her family was middle class, but their income largely depended on how much business her father could bring in. paying for higher education wasn't guaranteed, so jess worked hard, got a part time job, and focused on school as much as possible.
- she secured a scholarship to northwestern university where she decided to pursue a bachelor's in psychology.
- her chosen degree had less to do with passion and more to do with having to submit something in her application. it wasn't that psychology wasn't interesting. she just didn't know if it was he calling. truthfully, she had no clue how she was supposed to figure out what her calling was.
- being a psych major wasn't all bad, though. jess learned a lot about people and how they operate. she was always a naturally empathetic person, but understanding the science of people and personality helped her anticipate the needs of those around her. she became rather skilled at deescalating situations, even receiving a job as an ra her senior year.
- she had a small group of friends, and she felt mostly content. still, as her graduation date loomed, she struggled to figure out what exactly to make of her next steps.

and all the rest.

- when jess graduated, she had nothing lined up for herself, so she joined a friend who was moving to new jersey as a part of teach for america. jess grew up the daughter of an educator, so she knew she had no desire to be in a classroom.
- instead, she began temping, trying out different jobs in healthcare and tech. she landed at a marketing firm eventually, temping as an assistant to one of the project managers. her work was good. dilligent, great attention to detail. she knew how to anticipate needs before anyone had to ask. they brought her on full time as a replacement.
- a couple of years down the road, her boss was leaving for a job at waystar royco in their ad revenue and sales division. he asked jess to come with him, and though she was hesitant to join a company with a less-than-spotless reputation, jess saw it as a great career opportunity and joined the ranks.
- a few months in, jess was sitting in on a meeting with her boss when the then-president kendall called half the team away with an emergency. somehow, jess got brought into the mix.
- the energy was chaotic and uncertain. disorganized, which didn't please the higher ups. it was unlike her to step on toes, but lacking any better course of action, jess stepped in to help.
- it wasn't noticed, of course, until much later. once the fires were out and things had settled down, jess was one of the few left wrapping things up. every time kendall would ask for the status of something, she had it. when he gave her a task, she had already anticipated it. he was impressed. as impressed as a roy could be.
- clearly, jess made an impression, because a few days later, she was brought into a meeting with kendall's team to come on as his personal assistant. jess had no idea how to react or how she might adjust to a life that was surely to be filled with long nights and chaotic whirlwinds. but, she found herself accepting the position, and the rest was history.


  CANON VERSE.    MAIN VERSE. set around season 2 & 3, inside the canon universe of succession. jess is kendall's executive assistant at waystar royco.  POST-CANON VERSE.    ALTERNATIVE VERSE. free at last! set after the events of season 4 of succession, jess has finally left waystar royco and is working in sponsorship sales for an. investment firm.



  FULL NAME    — @blogurl
Heavily Affiliated , Relationship


  SISTER.    jess has a younger sister that i think would be amazing to bring in to the fold. name and personality are totally up to player.  OLD BOSS.    the boss that brought her in to waystar royco in the first place. maybe they still connect in a mentor/mentee sort of way. maybe he's pissed that she left him in a lurch as soon as kendall roy dangled dollar bills in front of her face.  OFFICE FLAME.    what are the chances that a secret romance bloomed right under the roys' noses? with jess's schedule basically being on call for kendall 24/7, her social life is pretty stagnant. however, she sees her colleague *plenty *, which opens up the possibility for...what's that? a slow burn office romance? hell yeah.  MORALITY POLICE.    friends from home or college, people that knew jess before waystar, that don't understand how she can work for people as messed up as the roys.

gif credit @karolinasnovotney

Alex goran

up in the air. canon-divergent character.
faceclaim: vera farmiga

gif by osvaldrps


basic information.

  FULL NAME    alexandra jean goran  NICKNAME(S)    alex  AGE RANGE    mid 40s  DATE OF BIRTH    april 9  GENDER & PRONOUNS    cis-female, she/her/hers  ORIENTATION    bisexual, biromantic  RACE/ETHNICITY    white / ukrainian  NATIONALITY    american  ACCENT   american, slight ukrainian inflection

physical appearance.

  FACE CLAIM    vera farmiga  HEIGHT    5'7  BUILD    toned  HAIR    blonde  EYES    blue  SCARS    left writs (motorcycle accident), right thigh (childhood accident)  PIERCINGS    ear piercing  TATTOOS    n/a  STYLE    she can be rather casual on the off days, jeans but usually keeping up with the current styles. in the office she's in business tire.

background info.

  OCCUPATION    corporate marketing executive (main verse)  HOMETOWN    outside of boston, massachusetts, usa  CURRENT RESIDENCE    chicago, illinois, usa (main verse)  LANGUAGES    english, ukrainian, dutch  FINANCIAL STATUS    upper middle class (leaning upper)


  WEATHER    when the sun breaks through the rain or snow  COLOR    she doesn't think she needs to have one, so she says taupe. or red if she's humoring her kids.  MUSIC    anything. soft spot for music of the 70s and 80s.  MOVIES    she hates animated or kids movies. she likes to be engaged. a mystery or action is fine, as long as it's not nonsense.  SPORTS    likes hockey the most, but has collaborated with the bears in the pass so gets tickets from time to time  BEVERAGE    martini with a twist, cappuccino  FOOD    she likes to try new things, but holds a soft spot for eastern european food.


  LABEL    the frequent flyer  ASTROLOGY    aries sun, taurus moon, cancer rising  MBTI    estp  ENNEAGRAM    type eight  ALIGNMENT    chaotic neutral  POSITIVE TRAITS   
- charming
- self-assured
- indomitable
- pragmatic
- influential
- powerful
- candid
- enigmatic
- complicated
- secretive
- conceited
- abrasive
  FEARS    losing control  HABITS    clenching jaw  TEMPERAMENT    adaptable


- n/a
- n/a
  SOCIABILITY    easy to get along with, very charming, can strike up a conversation with almost anyone if situation demands it  ADDICTIONS    n/a  SUBSTANCE USE    alcohol, rarely anything stronger


- ivan volkov (father)
- anna goran (mother) - deceased
- n/a
- noah wright (husband)
- andrew wright (son)
- liam wright (son)
  PETS    family dog, moose


early life.

- ivan volkov and anna goran both came to america, from the ukraine, with their families when they were young adults. they settled in just outside of boston, building a small community for themselves and their fellow ukrainian friends and family.
- ivan and anna had been seeing each other, but they had not discussed a more serious relationship. that was, until anna found out she was pregnant.
- their families encouraged them to get married once the news broke, though both were reluctant. they ended up signing a piece of paper to pacify their family. only ivan and anna knew they never actually mailed it in.
- alex goran was born in april, and she took her mother's last name, an break from tradition anna was insistent on. with one look at alex, anna knew she was no alexandra, and suggested they name her just alex. but ivan didn't like the idea. she was a girl, and therefore, she should have a 'girl name.' so, her birth certificate read 'alexandra,' but from that moment on, she was only ever just alex.
- like most, alex can't remember much from early childhood, which in turn meant she couldn't remember much of her father at all. as his daughter turned four, ivan had reached his breaking point. he had never wanted children. life was turning out differently than he had envisioned. one day, he decided to take matters into his own hands and leave his family behind.
- the abandonment shocked their close-knit community, but everyone lent a hand where they could to ensure anna could work and provide for her and alex.

young and early adulthood.

- because alex doesn't remember much about her father, she had all but written him off by the time she became a teenager. if he didn't want her, she certainly had no need for him.
- she was easily adaptable, able to cast our whatever wasn't serving her with ease. this made her tough. a bit rough around the edges, but her charm still had the power to pull people in.
- alex as very sociable, a decent student, well-rounded in the sense that she sought to try different things. even if she wasn't sure what they would produce. she could try her hand at piano or tennis or the debate team. if she didn't pick it up after a bit, she lost interest and would move on to the next.
- by the time she graduated high school, alex had a healthy pick of colleges, but she chose to go somewhere that would be different than the community she grew up in. duke university. while the adjustment period wasn't always easy, alex was particular in choosing this challenge for herself. if she really wanted to make it, this was only the first instance where she'd have to navigate completely new territory that lived far outside of her comfort zone.

and all the rest.

- college is, essentially, a breeze for alex, she graduates magna cum laude with a degree in marketing communications and a ton of internship experience to boot.
- the logical next step was either grad school or a job, but she's never been one to take the easy route just because it's easy, so alex embarks on a grad program at northwestern university and begins interning at a brand marketing agency.
- while in grad school, alex hits it off with a ta, noah. when it becomes clear that noah is interested in being more than friends, alex distances herself. she doesn't do relationships. but noah is not only persistent, he's smitten. dangerous place to be in regards to someone like alex.
- it takes almost two years of hanging out, casual dates, and one or two drunken nights before alex agrees to go out with him. in a real way, at least.
- eventually, noah wants to get married, and with alex's career on the forefront of her mind, she really doesn't see the point. but he's insistent, and doesn't necessarily see the point of staying in chicago if they don't have a solid foundation to build on. he wears her down, and after a long, long engagement, the two wed. they have two kids, and it's all very normal.
- however, alex can't keep herself in just one box for the rest of her life. it's going to suffocate her, and she won't let that be her story. a cranky mother of two who lives in regrets and finds solitude in the bottom of a bottle of gin. so, she makes her own arrangements. takes advantage of many, many business trips to live different lives.


  CANON VERSE,    MAIN VERSE. takes place around the events that were canon to up in the air. alex is a marketing exec who frequently travels around the country, living a separate life from the one she keeps at home. aka: the married but having an affair verse.  SUCCESSION VERSE,    ALTERNATE VERSE. all the business-y people will end up here. alex enters the succesion universe, still as a corporate marketing exec. this time, she's been brought in as an outside agency to consult for waystar royco. (can be anytime throughout succession canon, as they were always in deep shit. just pick a scandal, pick a launch).  DIVORCE VERSE,    ALTERNATE VERSE. same as the canon verse, except her husband is divorcing her after everything.



  FULL NAME    — @blogurl
Heavily Affiliated , Relationship


  FLINGS    honestly, keep 'em coming.  ARE THEY GETTING ATTACHED    like the movie, a ryan-type to get too attached, to not realize the arrangement that is just supposed to be underestood, despite the lack of explanation.

gif credit @gifcom

Zavian "Zav" Shah

succession. original character.
faceclaim: dev patel

gif by jcylenz

under construction!


basic information.

  FULL NAME    zavian shah  NICKNAME(S)    zav, z, zyx, zed  AGE RANGE    mid 30s  DATE OF BIRTH     GENDER & PRONOUNS    cis-male, he/him/his  ORIENTATION    bisexual, biromantic  RACE/ETHNICITY    Indian Gujarati Hindus  NATIONALITY    england  ACCENT   english

physical appearance.

  FACE CLAIM    dev patel  HEIGHT    6'2  BUILD    a bit slim  HAIR    black  EYES    brown  SCARS     PIERCINGS    has an ear pierced  TATTOOS     STYLE    looks sharp in a suit, but is mostly a casual, dark jeans kind of guy

background info.

  OCCUPATION    senior finance manager at waystar royco (main verse)  HOMETOWN    london, england  CURRENT RESIDENCE    new york, new york, usa (main verse)  LANGUAGES    english, french, hindi  FINANCIAL STATUS    middle class


  WEATHER     COLOR     MUSIC     MOVIES     SPORTS    football (the real one)  BEVERAGE     FOOD   


- cynical
- pessimistic


- n/a


- father
- mother
- 7 siblings
- n/a
- n/a


coming soon.

a quick gist: zav has worked with the company for years, was hired out of london in his early to mid twenties for a low level job in finance. it's fine, nothing special. zav has no idea what they're supposed to be doing with this company, and he believes that really no one else does either.
about five years down the line with a couple of menial promotions, zav ends up saving karl's ass on a proposal where numbers had been inverted. he covered well, literally sent karl spinning. having avoided a lot of embarrassment, karl liked zav and started bringing him on to more teams, eventually to lead, and eventually eventually transferring him to new york.
- all in all, zav believes everyone working at waystar has sold their souls. him included! he's a cynic for sure and he's not all "hey, you're going to burn in hell" about it, but the thought he might one day be a decent person is truly out the window for him. he jokes about it, yeah, but also it's 100% not a joke! it's over people!- in a way, he hates the roys, and it's in the way a group project leader might hate his group that never shows up to class. he sometimes wants to shake them and yell "why??????" over and over again. it's not about disagreeing with them, it's that half the time the decisions they make seem to be flat out wrong. and it's not that zav always has to be right, it's just that he so often is. like most of the time. he's right and that means...nothing??? he's going to pull out his hair one day and leave a trail on the way to the elevator.- could leave but, again, soul is alrady gone so what's the point? and also, stock options. 401k. he's accepted things.-also logan roy used to call him zack, exclusively. one time logan fired "zack" and karl told him to take a couple days pto, and by the time zav came back, "zack" was still out, but zav was allowed to stay. fun !- kind of hates the roys, but has romanticized shiv roy in his head??? not a crush, not a crush. maybe a crush??? on shiv roy??? but nah definitely not. there is no soft spot there.





  FULL NAME    — @blogurl
Heavily Affiliated , Relationship


  CONNECTION    more info.

gif credit @jcylenz

Siobhan "Shiv" Roy

succession. canon character.
faceclaim: sarah snook

gif by osvaldrps


basic information.

  FULL NAME    naomi simone pierce  NICKNAME(S)    nay  AGE RANGE    mid 30s  DATE OF BIRTH    may 31  GENDER & PRONOUNS    cis-female, she/her/hers  ORIENTATION    bisexual, biromantic  RACE/ETHNICITY    white / british  NATIONALITY    american  ACCENT   american

physical appearance.

  FACE CLAIM    annabelle dexter-jones  HEIGHT    5'8  BUILD    slim  HAIR    blonde  EYES    brown  SCARS    left wrist & right calf (car accident), right thumb (burn scar)  PIERCINGS    double ear piercing, cartillage, used to have nose piercing  TATTOOS    two on ankle, one on ribs, one behind ear near hairline  STYLE    whatever's in fashion, but make it slightly punk-ish, also loves comfort

background info.

  OCCUPATION    board member at pierce global media (main verse)  HOMETOWN    new york, new york, usa  CURRENT RESIDENCE    new york, new york, usa (main verse)  LANGUAGES    english, french  FINANCIAL STATUS    extremely wealthy


  WEATHER    sunshine, but honestly if it's one extreme or another, she's not having it (do rich people have to care about the weather)?  COLOR    navy  MUSIC    she has a canned answer for interviews, like classic rock or something, but she doesn't really know her actual favorite  MOVIES    she will not tolerate long movies; be ninety minutes or be nothing  SPORTS    not much on her radar, followed soccer for a while because of her dad  BEVERAGE    red wine (pretends to like enjoy scotch when really, it's just ok)  FOOD   


  LABEL    the fallen angel  ASTROLOGY    gemini sun, libra moon, aries rising  MBTI    esfp  ENNEAGRAM    type one  ALIGNMENT    chaotic neutral  POSITIVE TRAITS   
- adventurous
- charming
- contemplative
- flexible
- liberal
- absent-minded
- impersonal
- complex
- cold
- indulgent
- indecisive
- narcissistic
  FEARS    when the party stops  HABITS    licking lips, squinting  TEMPERAMENT    often calm, can be temperamental


- drug and alcohol addiction
- depression
- n/a
  SOCIABILITY    easily melts into social groups, life of the party sometimes  ADDICTIONS    substance abuse  SUBSTANCE USE    often - alcohol, various recreational + hard drugs


- robert pierce (father)
- veronica 'ronnie' alderidge-pierce (mother)
- n/a
- ryan hearst (ex-husband)
- nancy 'nan' pierce (cousin)
- mark pierce (cousin)
- maxim pierce (cousin)
- bun pierce (cousin)
  PETS    she is technically a dog owner, but her staff basically cares for the dog like it's their own at this point


heading 1.

Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.Pariatur autem yet nostrum for illum fugit accusantium ratione. Do ullamco. Eu culpa yet ab so aliqua aspernatur. Nesciunt natus inventore, sint cillum laboriosam so voluptatem. Veritatis. Sunt. Tempor odit voluptate, for architecto so magnam. Corporis laudantium yet velitesse and eaque. Accusantium irure quae so exercitation magni.Quae accusantium. Non proident, but aliquid. Perspiciatis quae minima voluptas. Eius ullamco sunt or aperiam and do. Veniam ex. Dolorem. Id officia occaecat or iste dolor duis totam. Laboriosam numquam beatae. Consequatur explicabo yet incididunt. Fugiat odit or officia dolor eum aliquip. Consequat commodo explicabo. Consectetur. Ullamco illum unde dolorem. Ullamco lorem dolores but perspiciatis.Aute esse but quis, adipisicing. Omnis sed, modi, and ullam or ut illum. Amet nostrud. Mollit sed, iste for officia but quasi architecto. Irure dolorem exercitationem. Magnam sed so nostrum yet occaecat or ullam but voluptatem. Id veniam, nostrum. Consectetur. Esse. Aliquip ea. Excepteur nemo for ullam so aut.Lorem. Nihil dolore commodi for et, velit. Id sunt quaerat, magna. Accusantium lorem, perspiciatis quo fugiat in dolore. Nostrud enim nihil. Id aperiam. Reprehenderit et for nesciunt.





  FULL NAME    — @blogurl
Heavily Affiliated , Relationship


  CONNECTION    more info.

gif credit @karolinasnovotney